Osmo Wood Wax Finish Extra Thin Clear Satin


Osmo Wood Wax Finish Extra Thin Clear Satin | Premium Quality Deep Penetrating Hardwax Oil From Osmo. Suitable To Use On High Traffic Areas

Osmo Wood Wax Finish Extra Thin Clear Satin


  • A quality deep penetrating hardwax oil compatible with ingredient-rich hardwood

  • The product is capable of fully penetrating hardwoods like mahogany and teak

  • A beautiful satin finish that will waterproof and stain proof wood floors & surfaces

  • The product is food certified so it can be used on worktops, kids toys, kids beds

  • It does not alter the original look of the wood, it does not glaze & it does not peel

  • To be applied in a two coats system over an unsealed, dry & clean wood surface

  • Estimated coverage area 25-30 sq M per 1L | Estimate drying time : Around 12 H

  • To be applied in a two coats system with a cloth, an applicator or a floor scrubber

  • It allows the wood surface to ventilate naturally and it creates a barrier for grime

  • No priming necessary even when used on bathroom or high traffic kitchen floors

  • The treated areas will require at least one refreshing per year (traffic dependent)

  • Further coating can be applied without having to re-sand the whole surface again


Osmo Wood Wax Finish Extra Thin Clear Satin | Why Osmo


This is one of the most natural looking and naturally manufactured hardwax oils. This product looks amazing, it provides outstanding protection and is manufactured from the finest quality blend of organic oils. The new Osmo Wood Wax Finish Extra Thin Clear Satin was designed especially for those particular ingredient-rich types of wood surfaces like mahogany, teak & walnut. The product is easy to apply, it does not alter the look of the wood surface and it provides unequalled protection. Unlike the varnishes, the new Osmo Wood Wax Finish Extra Thin Clear Satin cannot peel, flake or exfoliate. The product can be used as a refresher as well on surfaces that were already sealed with this product, without having to re-sand the surface.


Osmo Wood Wax Finish Extra Thin Clear Satin | Where To Use It


This product is mostly recommended for ingredient-rich types of wood surfaces like mahogany, teak & walnut. Because of its thin composition, the product can penetrate deep inside those very compact, hard & low porosity hardwood surfaces. It can be used to waterproof and stain proof all kinds of wooden surfaces including wood floors, wooden stairs, wood furniture, wood toys, wood frames, wooden window sills, wood statues, worktops, etc. The product is certified food safe so it is suitable for use in food preparation & food processing areas. Suitable for indoor use only. A ready to use product that requires no dilution.


Osmo Wood Wax Finish Extra Thin Clear Satin | How To Use It


The surface has to be sealant free or newly sanded. Surfaces that were already sealed with the new Osmo Wood Wax Finish Extra Thin Clear Satin can also be refreshed with the same product. Assuming that the surface is sealant free, dry & dust free, you are ready for sealing the surface. Shake the tin well to create a uniform colour. Place a cloth in it, and use the cloth to seal all narrow corners and areas that are very hard to reach with a floor buffer or some kind of applicator. The wood has to be impregnated with oil and any excess that cannot penetrate, has to be removed. The floor has to look wet but not over soaked. The surface will require around 12 hours to fully dry. A second coat of oil has to be applied after the surface is fully dry. The second coat will also take about 12 hours to fully dry. After the second coat is applied and is fully dry, there is nothing else to do.


Osmo Wood Wax Finish Extra Thin Clear Satin | Recommendation


All oiled surfaces will require at least one refresh per year. Areas with higher traffic will require more topping up. The newly oiled surface has to be washed and maintained with proper oiled floor cleaners and oiled floor maintainers from Osmo. Use as little water as possible. Use a semi wet mop head or a flat mopping system to clean your newly oiled floors.


Osmo Wood Wax Finish Extra Thin Clear Satin



Weight N/A

2.5L, 750 ML


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