Bona Screen 17″ | 43 Cm


Bona Screen 17″ | 43 Cm. Dual Sides Professional Screens From Bona. Suitable For Sanding And Leveling Wooden Floors. Compatible With All 17″ Orbital Sanders/Buffers

Bona Sanding Screen / 17” or 430 MM



Top quality finishing screens compatible with all 17” floor buffers

Dual sided, highly effective, suitable for heavy duty floor sanding

Available in 60 grit, 80 grit, 100 grit, 120 grit and the finest 150 grit

Open mesh structure that impedes clogging & improves dust collection

To be used for final sand to remove markings, streaks & imperfections

Achieve professional results with little effort with the Bona screens



Bona Sanding Screen / 17” or 430 MM – Where to use



While sanding the floor from all directions you are likely to create small imperfections especially when the surface is not perfectly flat. To be able to achieve a perfectly smooth surface, you will need to make sure that all these imperfections are removed and are not visible under the coating. The best way to achieve this kind of finish is with Bona Sanding Screen. The screen will attach flat to the floor and it will level up all kinds of uneven & rough surfaces. The finest grit screening discs can also be used for fine sanding between coatings. After the priming is done, the surface is likely to be a bit rough. A quick sanding with the 120 to 150 grit sanding screen will flatten up the surface and will prepare the surface for final coating.



Bona Sanding Screen / 17” or 430 MM – How to use



You will need a 17” or 430 mm low speed floor buffer or an orbital sander to be able to use the screening pad. The sander or the buffer has to be low speed and connected to an extraction system to avoid creating a lot of dust around. Attach a white floor pad over the screening disc and then attach the buffer pad holder over the white pad. Going along with the fibre of the wood lightly resand the floor. No need to spend a lot of time sanding. One fast go over the whole surface will ensure full removal of all imperfections and rough patches. Bear in mind that Bona Sanding Screens are dual sided. If you notice that the pad is not abrasive any longer, you can just flip it over to the other side and continue sanding.

You can refinish a wooden floor without having to use Bona Sanding Discs but the final finish will not be as smooth or as perfect. One screen should cover a surface of 30 to 50 square meters if used on both sides.



Bona Sanding Screen / 17” or 430 MM




Weight 0,2 kg
Screening Discs

Grit 100, Grit 120, Grit 150, Grit 60, Grit 80